Energy 101 – A Regional Energy Literacy & Outreach Tool

Want to Learn about the Fundamentals of Energy?
The Energy 101 video series provides high level as well as regional perspectives on energy systems, resources, economics, policy, and technology fundamentals for a general audience from ages 14 to 114. It builds upon a previous and comprehensive Energy 101 MOOC developed by Georgia Tech’s Strategic Energy Institute and originally launched in 2012. Nearly 100,000 learners accessed the course in the past decade.
While the videos can be watched in any order, the best way to maximize impact is to watch them in sequence using this playlist. Additionally, the videos can be used individually to supplement lesson plans or presentations.
Written, Presented, and Produced: Richard Simmons, Director of Research and Studies at EPICenter
Filmed, Edited, and Produced: John Thornton, Senior Academic Professional and Director of Film and Media Production, Georgia Institute of Technology
Produced and Marketed: Brent Verrill, Communication Manager, Georgia Institute of Technology
Research and Film Support: Kerri Metz, Research Associate, EPICenter
Research, Film Support, and Editing: Mark Philpot*, Grayspn Eady*, and Andrew White*
Additional Editing: Trinn Nguyen* and Nayla Mostifiz*
Georgia Tech* students had a large part in bringing this video series to fruition.
Energy Supply
Online Resources:
- Our World in Data – Energy Articles
- US Trends in Electricity Generation
- US Map of Electricity Retail Prices:
- Comparison of Energy Mix & CO2 emissions by US state
Online Resources:
- State by State Trends in Electricity Generation
- US Shale Gas Deposits
- US Solar Projects
- Carbon Capture & Sequestration (CCS):
Energy Demand
Online Resources:
- Understanding the Grid: Generation, Transmission & Distribution
- Energy Supply and Demand, United States and Individual States
- Smart Meter Deployment
- Energy Storage
- Breakdown of Household Electricity Consumption
Online Resources:
- Transportation Energy in Context
- Major Transportation Fuels and Fuel Economy
- US Vehicle Fleet
- Electric Vehicles
Energy Policy
Online Resources:
- Energy Policy Primers & General Resources
- (Book publishers webpage with overview) –
- Key Federal Bodies Involved
Online Resources:
- State-level energy regulation
- Vogtle Nuclear Generating Units in Georgia
- Ratemaking and Electric Power Prices
- Model Solar Ordinance for Georgia
- Role of Universities and Partnerships
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- University of Georgia
Energy Economics
Online Resources:
- Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank
- Energy and Economics
- Commodities and Volatility, E.g., Crude Oil, Electric Power Rates by State
- Vehicle Sales Trends, Cost of Gasoline
Online Resources:
- Energy Costs in A Household Context
- Energy Burden
- Kendeda Living Building
- Levelized Costs of Electricity, Total Cost of Ownership for a Vehicle
- Efficiency and Example Economic Payback Calculators